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Black Heritage Month Spotlight

Ehleria “E” Hernandez

As our #BlackHistoryMonth spotlight series draws to a close, we’re thrilled to spotlight Ehleria Hernandez, Recruiter at arrivia.

Click here to learn what Black History Month means to her.

Ehleria “E” Hernandez
Tenure at Arrivia: 1-year 6mos
Professional Title: Recruiter

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month holds significant meaning for me as it is a time to honor and reflect on the significant struggles, contributions, and achievements of Black individuals throughout history. It emphasizes their influence in various fields such as the arts, sciences, politics, and the ongoing fight for social justice. This month serves as a reminder of the need to recognize the value of diversity, to foster understanding among people, and to strive towards creating a more equitable society. Additionally, it presents a personal opportunity to teach my young child about the enduring legacy and resilience of our ancestors, passing on a rich heritage that spans centuries.

Who are your biggest inspirations throughout Black history and why?

My greatest inspirations in Black history are Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Barack Obama. Dr. King is renowned for his pivotal role in the American Civil Rights Movement, where he championed the cause of racial equality through peaceful protest and powerful public speaking. He effectively used nonviolent resistance as a tool for social change. Barack Obama is equally inspirational as he broke historic barriers by becoming the first African American to be elected as President of the United States, serving as the nation’s 44th president. His election was a landmark moment that reflected the progress of the nation in terms of racial equality.

What is your advice to young Black professionals who may want to follow your career path?

For young Black professionals aspiring to carve out a successful career path, I recommend the following advice:

Cultivate a strong network of mentors. It’s vital to have mentors both within your workplace and from outside your organization who can offer advice and support. Personally, having a mentor at my workplace has been invaluable, providing a trusted figure to turn to for professional advice and emotional support.

Embrace feedback without taking it personally. THAT IS KEY! Feedback is one way to improve opportunities and allow growth. Embrace the discomfort of growth, for the challenges lies the path to becoming the best version of yourself.

Lastly, prioritize self-care to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Seek support when needed and don’t hesitate to take breaks. Maintaining a healthy mental state enhances your professional efficiency, so it’s important to mentally disconnect from work after hours and recharge.